Tuesday 28 October 2008

Forgetting My Flask, Muddy Knees & A New Strawberry Patch

When I got to the plot last Sat I was in shock to find that I wasn't working alone and blinked several times to clear my wind swept watery eyes to check I wasn't seeing things and that said partner in crime had arrived earlier than me and was digging away 'gettin' rid o' that couch grass problem' I was well impressed.

So with the two of us with wet muddy knees (said muddy kneed jeans were washed and were thrown in bin, chucked away by other half as they stropped that I don't look after my clothes as I sulked and complained that they are/were my favorites and have since sneaked them out (damp) and are now hanging as hard as cardboard complete with a nice fur of frost.... nice, on the washing line...... they wont be there when I get home me thinks) as I was saying, we have managed to set in some strawberry plants complete with runners into the new strawberry patch that was full of unkempt raspberry's and rogue blackberry's that had tons of couch grass growing through all of this plus nettles as I discovered while hacking back late in the summer. 

This area will be finished off with some wooden edging plus we added some well rotted manure before planting.

I had been avoiding mentioning this but Sarah's Leeks are looking good and mine however are not! I've been thinking about 'accidently' treading on them and saying that the fox did it but as wily as a fox is they don't wear size 7 boots. I shall have to come up with something else.........

With regards the sweetcorn it never has ripened properly ah well better luck next time. It didn't help having them under the neighbours tree as it was too shady stopping any sun we did have to ripen them. 

So moving on to more interesting things.............. pumpkins

There's lots of them. Sigh I know they are green but I'm thinking of my belly now not Hallowe'en. I'm hoping today's frost wont ruin them. They've done really well considering and have kept the weeds back. I'm thinking of growing lots of different varieties next year and sowing seed a lot earlier. 

Finally, the sunflowers grown for cutting have now finished and gone to seed so I cut these to dry off in the shed and what I don't use the birds can have for winter.

I wanted to stay a bit longer but the rain soon put a stop to all that so I took a few last pics and cutting the last of the sunflowers I went home put kettle on only to realize I'd left my trusty flask at the plot......... thanks Sarah for picking it up

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